Well, spring is in the air and it seems like time is just flying by ridiculously fast!  We blasted through February and now March, and we are on the cusp of Gloria’s would-be 76th birthday (April 2).  Be on the look-out for something in the mail to help you celebrate Glo and to help her dream of being on the beach come true!  It’s been inspiring the number of people who are part of this Glo-bal Celebration.  Brad, Krista, and I are super excited!

Just to fill you in on what’s been happening the past few months, I thought I’d make a short list…
a) Visits with friends, family, and neighbors around Echo Lake to help support Jack during his time of transition.
b) Opportunities for Dad/Jack to visit Bradley and Krista in Oregon, and me in Florida to see where he might like to move since roaming around in his current house is just not going to be a good solution.
c) Setting up paperwork with attorneys and financial wizards so that taxes can be handled and our family can go into the second half of the year with as much ease and grace as possible.
d) Sorting and sifting through 35 years of saved-up-stuff–and there is still MUCH more to go!

We have absolutely appreciated all of your kind thoughts and willingness to help Jack (and the kitty Rye) while we determine the right next steps.  As of this moment, we are not selling the house on Echo Lake, but instead are looking at renting it out when Jack is ready to move to his new adventure.  With any luck, all of that transition will take place in July or August so we can begin the process of making a new routine for Jack and so I can also get into more of a routine in my life in Florida.

We are doing fine, and we do miss mom each and every day.  She would have loved to be on this trip with dad right now as he’s goofing off in Florida and hanging out with Dezi. 😉

Sending each and every one of you lots of love!  And please give a high-five to the sky for Glo on April 2.  She would like that!

Lindsay, Jack, and Dezi