Share Your Stories

Thank you for being a part of Gloria’s life adventures…and for sharing your stories with us.
Please send as many memories, stories, photos, videos as you would like. No giggles are too small and we have room for lots of stories!

Contact us if you have questions or need assistance!

Lindsay –
Krista –

How to Send

Stories and photos can be sent using the form to the right. If, for any reason, it isn’t working just email Lindsay or Krista using the emails above.

Using the Form

  1. Your Name & Preferred Contact Method – This information will help us stay organized and contact you, if needed.
  2. Your Gloria Story – Your story can be typed directly into typed directly in the “Tell us your Gloria story!” box OR submitted as a Word or text document and uploaded in the “File” box near the bottom of the form.
  3. Uploading Photos – Digital photos are needed and can be uploaded in the “File” box of the form or emailed. If you have physical pictures, try taking a phone picture of each and sending them. We’ll make it work!
  4. Submit Your Story – Click the “Share My Story” button and we’ll be contacted.

Stories & Pictures

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