
Here are a couple of my memories of the times we were together.  I have photos, too, but they’re all in Minnesota, so we’ll have to try to picture these in our heads.  My memory is so bad these days, but obviously, these moments were important to me, and so they are very clear.

The time I was visiting you all in Sacramento, when Earl wanted to take us up to Lake Fordyce.  He heard it was a great place for (I don’t know what — fishing?, camping?, scenery?)  It was just a day trip, so we drove up to find it.  I was 16 I think — I know I had a driver’s license.  Well, this lake was in the mountains in the middle of nowhere (as far as this Chicago girl could see).  The scenery was beautiful and I told Earl I knew why this place was recommended — we were possibly the first humans to reach it!  The roadway (path) was full of rocks and boulders, and Earl made us all get out of the car and walk so the car could get over the rocks.  I was so mad!  I offered to drive the car, but Earl just laughed.  It was hot, and I was not used to walking in the mountains.  By the way, you, Marge and the rest of your siblings laughed at me, too.  Good thing I loved you all so much, or I would never have come back to visit!

Another time I remember was when you were in Chicago when Jack was at Great Lakes, we were over at my parents’ apartment (above Aunt Barb on Winnemac), and you and I were helping my mom (your grandma) do dishes.  We were wiping, and kept handing dishes back to her saying “reject.”  Kind of a silly memory, but we were laughing hard and I remember it.

Those memories are from the “way back.”  There have been so many others since then, but they all have the same theme — laughter and love.  Gloria, you are definitely Marge’s daughter!  Between the two of you (and Gail, too), I’d like to think your sense of humor was a family trait that I also inherited.

Right now you need to be thinking positive thoughts about all the blessings you have with so many family and friends thinking of you and praying for you. You are so special to all of us.  God bless you and help you get better!

Sending hugs and kisses,

Your (old) Aunt Pat